Published: 22/04/2016
PK Properties are delighted to be supporting Friends of Roxbourne Park as they organise the Mayor Of Harrow's Charity Fun Walk on Sunday May 15th at Roxbourne Park.
It will be a themed walk based on the Mad Hatter's Tea Party where all ages are welcome and prizes also issued for the best Mad Hatter's Hat!
Registration will commence from 08:30 in the morning and the walk is set to begin at 10:30 am from the Pavilion.
The aim is raise money for the following charities: Harrow Association for the Disabled, Harrow Young Musicians and Guide Dogs for the Blind
About Friends of Roxbourne Park
Friends of Roxbourne Park are a group of people who regularly use Roxbourne Park in Harrow, aiming to be in a position to influence Harrow Council to maintain and improve the facilities in the park. This year the authority has already renewed some of the pathways from the car park towards the Nature Reserve, installed an outdoor Green Gym, and refurbished the sports pavilion. They are always looking for new members so please Contact them if the work they do is of any interest to you.
The aims of the Friends are:
•To promote the use and maintenance of the Park
•To help to develop a site management plan to the improve the Park
•To become involved in the management and development of the Park
•To ensure that the Park remains a publicly accessible site where the public can enjoy the natural environment.